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Behind La empanada there is another empanada. Yes, that's me: Paula Moreno, I'm 23 years old and I live in Barcelona.


Creativity, art and design have always been my great passions since I was little, and a few years ago I discovered another: food. That is why I decided to undertake this project, which unites them.


But to understand a little better the reason for all of this, I must explain my background:


I studied Advertising and Public Relations, which gave me the fundamentals about audiovisual communication; and I did the Food & Event Design postgraduate, which gave me much more precise knowledge and a more global vision of the cuisine world and what it represents in our society.


In addition, I have been working in the hospitality industry for the last three years, a fact that has allowed me to get to know the most practical and professional part of gastronomy.


And although I am a empanda I do not forget to welcome you to my little corner.


If you want to know a little more about me, you can do so by visiting the Instagram account: @paulamjurado

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